b'History of Arnold Magne\x00c TechnologiesArnold Magne\x00c Technologies, as it exists today, traces its roots back to 1895 when Bion J. Arnold, interna\x00onally famous electrical engineer, founded the Arnold Electric Power Sta\x00on Company. Bion J. Arnold, the father of the late Robert M. Arnold, was a close friend of Charles Steinmetz and Thomas Edison. His company was composed of engineers and contractors who designed and built complete power, heat, and electric railway genera\x00ng systems. Around 1898, the company patented the rst magne\x00c clutch, The Arnold Magne\x00c Clutch", which was used in electric power genera\x00ng sta\x00ons.In the early part of 1905, Bion J. Arnold changed the company name to The Arnold Company. His sta of civil, mechanical, and electrical engineers con\x00nued in the electric power genera\x00ng eld. One of their projects at this \x00me was to design and build the power genera\x00ng sta\x00ons and overhead construc\x00on for the E. & B. (Elgin & Belvidere) Electric Railroad. This interurban railroad, opened in 1907, later connected to Rockford, Illinois. Substan\x00al payment for this project was in the form of securi\x00es in the E.B. & R.Bion J. ArnoldIn 1924, Bion J. Arnold renamed and chartered his company, The Arnold Engineering Company. At this \x00me, the E.B. & R. went into nancial dicul\x00es and Bion J. Arnold acquired the railroad. However, he kept his two companies dis\x00nctly apart.Arnolds First BuildingP\x00\x00\x00 2'