b"During 1997, Arnold announced and implemented two major facility expansions. Flexmag's facility in Marie\x00a, Ohio was expanded by 45,000 \x00.2 to accommodate the addi\x00on of the RJF business and assure Flexmag's ability to serve future increases in customer requirements. A 30,000 \x00.2 addi\x00on was completed at Arnold's Plas\x00form Division in Norfolk, Nebraska to increase capacity to manufacture injec\x00on molded magnets, primarily sold for automo\x00ve applica\x00ons.In December, 1997, Arnold announced the acquisi\x00on of Magne\x00c Technologies Corpora\x00on, headquartered in Rochester, New York. Magne\x00c Technologies is a custom manufacturer of precision magne\x00c rolls and magne\x00c sub-assemblies for the reprographics industry. Magne\x00c Technologies also has Magnetic Technologies in Rochester, NYCurrent Headquarters opera\x00ons in the U.K., Magne\x00c Technologies Europe, LTD. Magne\x00c Technologies developed the rst magne\x00c brush for Xerox in 1972 and Xerox has been MTC's largest customer since 1975. MTC has established a leadership posi\x00on in its market segment with advanced technology and world-class quality and service. In January, 1998, Arnold acquired the wound solenoid business of Premier Microwave. The business was consolidated into Ogallala Electronics in Ogallala, Nebraska establishing Ogallala Electronics as the leading manufacturer of foil wound solenoids in North America.P\x00\x00\x00 9"