Improved battery design and energy storage performance is recognized as a significant opportunity for the efficient electrification of systems in most industries. From consumer-oriented batteries that power mobile devices to advanced fuel cell technologies, PTM materials play an important role in the efficient storage of energy.
Arnold’s PTM business is at the forefront of new energy storage technologies, providing precision rolled thin and ultra-thin materials to customers who are advancing science.

- TitaniumWidths: 16.0″ (406.6mm) to 0.032″ (0.813mm)Gauges: 0.007″ (0.179mm) to 0.00011″ (0.0028mm)
- NickelWidths: 16.0″ (406.6mm) to 0.032″ (0.813mm)Gauges: 0.007″ (0.179mm) to 0.00011″ (0.0028mm)
- AluminumWidths: 16.0″ (406.6mm) to 0.032″ (0.813mm)Gauges: 0.007″ (0.179mm) to 0.00011″ (0.0028mm)
- StainlessWidths: 16.0″ (406.6mm) to 0.032″ (0.813mm)Gauges: 0.007″ (0.179mm) to 0.00011″ (0.0028mm)
- CopperWidths: 16.0″ (406.6mm) to 0.032″ (0.813mm)Gauges: 0.007″ (0.179mm) to 0.00011″ (0.0028mm)
- Battery Separators
- Cathode
- Fuel Cell
- Fuel Cell, Anode
Contact PTM to discuss the materials requirements for your battery application